So, last Friday was pretty much Halloween for J and I.
We were invited to go to a party with friends, who, I must say, are awesome at costumes. So, of course, for the past two weeks were spent running about looking for costumes/costume ideas. Ideally, I would love for J and I to do a couple costume (some ideas we've had include Buttercup & Wesley from Princess Bride and Mary Poppins and Bert), but we just didn't have enough time or resources to make it work this time around, so we fell back on some costume staples from the past. J, being a chemical engineer, has a lab coat and access to goggles, so he donned those and went as a mad scientist (and with the addition of last minute make-up, he had just exploded something!). I ended up wearing a black dress along with the corset I made last year, and with the addition of a belt, crossbow, and some items purchased at the dollar store, I passed myself off as a vampire hunter.
I had also been invited by a super-good friend to go to the Halloween party at Nickelodeon, so I rushed to get ready and hurried over. Every year, Nick invites friends and family (lots of kids!) to come to the studio to eat goodies, craft pumpkins, and trick or treat in the show-themed mazes.
photo credits go to Pooneh :)
I have awesomely cool friends!
Amazing Mazes! |
After filling our tummies with grilled cheese sandwiches, cheeseburger sliders, and funnel cake, and after traveling through each maze at least once, it was time for me to go pick up J and head off to our more grown-up party ;)
We were a bit late, but we settled right it with a few seasonal drinks (I brought my fireball whiskey, which was a hit) and some delicious home-made goodies. I also brought my camera so I could take a few photos of costume awesomeness.
Steph as Korra from "Avatar" |
Jackie as Mabel from "Gravity Falls" |
After our initial catching-up and chatting, those of us who remained broke out a game of Telestrations. For those of you who have never heard of this before, it is essentially a combination of telephone and pictionary. You should definitely try it out. It is seriously the type of game that can be played with some paper and pens if you're resourceful enough, but the actual game comes with pre-set words and phrases that (I think) make the game a bit simpler.
Basically, each person is given a card with a word or phrase on it. Your job is to DRAW whatever word or phrase you're stuck with. How you do this is completely up to you, and there are definitely a wide variety of strategies that I've seen used. Once you've drawn your word/phrase, you pass your drawing to the person next to you. Then, that person must interpret your drawing and write a word or phrase on the next page before passing to the next person who must draw THAT word or phrase, etc etc.. After your board has gone all the way around (as has everyone else's) you get to witness the evolution of your word. Just as in Telephone, sometimes the word/phrase remains intact. Sometimes, however, your word changes in ways that are almost too ridiculous to imagine. Therefore, I have some examples to share from our game!
After many a round of drinks and Telestrations, it was suddenly 2:30am and time to go home. We said our farewells and wandered home to get some much-needed sleep.
It was an awesome night :)